How to Join a Group Board on Pinterest
Today I’m going
to blog a quick guide to joining and pinning on a group board on Pinterest,
mostly because I believe there’s a great marketing opportunity on this growing
platform, especially for writers/authors/self-publishers, that inherently is a
great tool for selling and in my own efforts to get on group boards and now
creating one of my own, it took a bit of work to get a clear notion of how it’s
done. So hopefully this short list will help others interested in getting on group boards but struggling to make sense of the process.
Why a Group Board:
The power of increased activity/exposure to the marketplace also
leveraged by the help of others. Aside from pinning to just your own
Pinterest page, to pin and re-pin on active group boards will really up the
number of times your pin is seen and possibly re-pinned by many others, further
increasing exposure. The other members of the group board may also re-pin your
pin their own boards considering that you have a common interest.
Quick Steps
can later ‘un-join’ if you change your mind by clicking on +people icon which
will then show a drop down menu of all the collaborators. When you find your
name you can remove yourself and the board will vanish from your home Pinterest
And consider
that you can not only pin book covers (authors/writers/indies) but create a
variety of advertising type pins that include snippets from your book (example to left is of a recent pin for Fated for Sanchez), promo pins for discount days, etc. The possibilities are endless.
Hello Readers!

Group Board:
A Pinterest board owned and managed by one person who invites others on
Pinterest to join and pin onto that board. This occurs by invitation only. You can tell a group board by the multiple person image icon at the bottom left of the board.

Quick Steps
a suitable group board that you want to join.
the main page of the owner of that group board (a must).
the owner (once you’ve followed someone a “Message” option becomes available
top right of your screen to communicate with them and which starts a dialogue
box that later shows up bottom left of your screen) that you would like to join
their board unless they note differently in the description of the board.
order to actually become a member of the board you will need to receive an Invite from the owner. The owner must
also ‘Follow’ your main board first.
will know you’ve been invited when you receive a message in your Inbox (top right … icon on your page). The invitation
will show either a ‘Decline’ or ‘Accept’ option. Choose ‘Accept.”
your Pinterest main page.
back onto your main page and you will find a new board, the group board you’ve
just joined! You can now click on the board and pin away (allowing for board
rules). This extra board on your main page may be the only downside depending
how you feel about the number of boards on your page. When you subsequently go
to pin on this board, depending on whether you have 100 boards of your own,
this will add to the list of boards to choose from when you place your new pin. I’m now involved with about 10 group boards
and find this manageable.

aware that if the owner of the board finds that you’re pinning inappropriately
they can delete your pins and remove you from the board.
Both parties get
a win~win as you both get more followers and more activity/views on Pinterest.
On the other
hand I find that Pinterest overall moves slowly (I’ve heard the term ‘slow
burn’ applied) in terms of response (sales) and re-pins. This may be due to
many factors including I likely have limited reach at this time, I haven’t been
active enough or don’t know important facts to making pins go viral, etc.
Still, I think the opportunity is too valuable to pass up. Consider that with
every pin you can add a URL to your sell site. When you think about Instagram,
for example, you cannot put links into your posts or comments (Facebook I won’t
address as I refuse to go there, especially now after the Cambridge Analytica
etc. scandals.) but on Pinterest you can with every single pin.
I find it
interesting that Pinterest has removed the ‘likes’ function for pins. At first
this annoyed me but as I think about it, if someone really likes your pin they
will re-pin it if they have a suitable board. I think Pinterest is more of a
marketplace versus social media because it’s really a search engine for finding
something that you want. It’s sort of like a giant store that you search
visually for either items you want or ideas.
As the world is
going more mobile, a recent stat I saw that Pinterest has 80% mobile traffic is
important. It’s also growing with increase in male participation (article HERE).

To get an idea of what types of pins are getting lots of re-pins, check out this page from Pinterest stats (study the construction of these pins!) HERE.
As with
everyone, the time demand to participate in and research/learn ‘social media
marketing’ is crushing. I’m currently only on Twitter and Pinterest as an indie
author and Zazzle designer. From a business perspective I’m thinking Pinterest
may evolve into a very good online marketplace that is not too mired in privacy
and other scandals that is definitely worth considering, especially for indie
authors/writers as I don’t see a huge presence there yet (I’ve done a trial of
Tailwind Tribes) meaning huge growth potential.
So come and join
my Fiction Reads group board for writers already HERE! Let’s grow a hopping writer’s
community on Pinterest.
I would love to
hear your comments about experiences, successes and failures about Pinterest in comments below.